Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


Early Years at Over Hall Community School

'Be supported, feel supported - make a difference'

Early Years lead: Miss Marshall 

As staff and trustees we want children to be happy, confident, well rounded individuals with a love for learning.  We believe in providing all children with a safe and stimulating environment that builds on each individual’s wants, needs and interests. All children deserve the care and support they need to have the best start in life. Children learn and develop at a faster rate from birth to five years old than at any other time in their lives, so their experiences in early years have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in itsown right. At Over Hall we offer all children high-quality early learning to provide them with the foundations to fulfil their potential. 

Children should have the opportunity to learn through play. Learning should be fun, engaging and suitably challenging. We value the importance of our outdoor environment and believe that it offers children the opportunity to develop their thinking and problem solving skills. Adults provide high quality interactions; they are role models for learning.

We are committed to providing the best possible start to their school life, teaching them skills and giving them experiences which will ensure their well-being now and success in the future.

The EYFS curriculum, which follows the children's interests and links into whole school topics where appropriate, ensures that we plan learning opportunities in the following areas:

Prime Areas

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World; including a study of faith including Christianity
  • Expressive Arts and design


On entry to Reception, children take part in a national Baseline Assessment to assess skills in all areas. Reception staff record children’s progress using the Foundation Stage Profile. Teachers and Teaching Assistants observe and assess children whilst they are engaging in a variety of activities. The assessments cover all the areas taught in the Foundation Stage, including the child’s emotional and social adjustment to school. The staff use the information they gather to plan appropriate work for all the children in their care. A copy is given to the parents at the end of the school year, and termly updates are sent out.

Teacher assessment takes place in all year groups throughout the year across the curriculum.  Teacher assessments are guided by the subject specific end points presented on each year group's knowledge organiser - accessible to children, parents/carers and staff.

Verbal and summary reports that detail current attainment, progress alongside attendance are given at parent consultation evenings which are held in Autumn and Spring Terms. Parents/Carers are also informed if their child is/is not identified as SEND at these consultations.

An annual report is written by staff and shared with parents in the Summer Term. Detailing achievement and progress, a statement and target within the core subjects; alongside an indication of achievement and effort in the foundation subjects; and a final comment upon the whole child.


You will find on this page our Early Years Policy and the Early Years Curriculum which has been carefully sequenced to show progression through all areas of the EYFS Framework. Where appropriate the curriculum makes links to subject specific schemes of learning, alongside Development Matters and the EYFS Framework. It is a bespoke curriculum written specially for Over Hall Community School taking into account the local area. 


EYFS Framework

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