Meet Our Local Governors

Over Hall Community School is part of Cheshire Academies Trust (CAT). Governance of the academy is split between those matters decided at Trust Board Level, and those matters delegated to the local governing body.

The local governing body is made up of community representatives, parents and school staff. 

Further information regarding governance across Cheshire Academies Trust schools, including the Scheme of Delegation, can be found at

Local governors have an important role to play in both challenging and supporting the leadership team on key aspects of the school’s strategy, always with a strategic lens on governance and the safe but dynamic leadership of the school.

Once a vacancy arises, local governors are elected or appointed onto the local governing body and perform their role on a voluntary basis.

The focus of the local committee is:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school by;

    • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
    • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure it's money is well spent; 
    • Ensuring the financial performance of the organisation and making sure it's money is well spent; 
    • Ensuring that other key players with a stake in the organisation get their voices heard.

We do this by knowing and understanding the school and the wider educational context, reading meeting paperwork and attending meetings where we ask questions to ensure that the best possible decisions are made for the benefit of the children in the school, attending training and development events to improve our skills and knowledge and adhering to the trust’s code of conduct. 

Please see information regarding members of our Local Governing Body below. Declarations of interest are checked at every Local Governing Body meeting, this page being updated with any changes which may arise.

Meet our Team


Ian Percival

Co-opted/Chair of Governors

Term of Office: 27/03/23-26/03/27

Declaration of Interests: None

Claire Edgeley


Declaration of Interest: Governance role at Wharton CE Primary School, Beesley Electrical Contractor and Maintenance

Bob Barton

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 04.07.23-03.07.27

Declaration of Interests: None

Vera Farrow

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 05.07.23 - 04.07.27

Declaration of Interests: None

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David Hebblethwaite

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 05.07.23 - 04.07.27

Declaration of Interests: Sales Manager at Gerflor Limited

Kath Shephard

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 20.09.22 - 19.09.26

Declaration of Interest: None

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Linda Holdridge

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 12.11.21 - 11.11.25

Declaration of Interest: Works for NHS

Jen Boughey

Parent Governor

Term of Office: 14.09.22 - 13.09.26

Declaration of Interest: Trustee at Lion's Youth Brass

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           Abbey Brookes

Staff Governor

Term of Office: 07.06.24 - 07.06.25

Declaration of Interest: None

Jessica Schuettke

Staff Governor

Term of Office: 16.03.21 - 15.03.25

Declaration of Interest: None


Governors who have left in the previous 12 months:

Bethan Parkey, Parent Governor, Term of Office: 11.12.2020 - 09.07.24, no declared interests