Home School Agreement

All children benefit from a positive relationship between home and school and at Over Hall Community School we are committed to developing such relationships.

Our Home School Agreement formally recognises our responsibilities and is consistent with the school’s behaviour and home learning policies.  Signing this agreement is voluntary and is welcomed by the staff and trustees.  However, the absence of a signed agreement does not exempt any pupil from complying with school rules. The school will always sign its section of the agreement and abide by it.

Children are invited to sign the agreement when the school and parents agree that they are sufficiently mature and understand all the rules.  All children will be made aware of the school’s code of behaviour, and we ask that parents support this.  You are welcome to discuss your child’s individual progress at any time, by appointment with the relevant teacher.

We have our vision, values and aims.  These create an ethos in which our children can grow and flourish, and they represent our values as a whole community.  We want our children to achieve success in every way.

Our Agreement

Together we will try to:

  • Support children’s needs and their learning to help them achieve their best
  • Encourage children to keep the school rules

As a School we will try to:

  • Provide a safe, secure and happy environment
  • Encourage children to do their best at all times and aim for high standards
  • Encourage children to take good care of others and their surroundings
  • Provide opportunities for children to learn how to keep themselves safe
  • Provide a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum, including moral and spiritual development
  • Inform parents of their child’s progress at regular meetings
  • Help to prepare children for life beyond the school gates – at the end of the day, week, year or even as they leave for pastures new

As a Family you will try to:

  • Ensure that our child/children arrive at school on time
  • Ensure our child/children attends regularly and that we, as parents/carers inform the school of any absences on the first and every day of absence
  • Ensure our child/children wear suitable clothing and footwear appropriate to the activity
  • Attend consultation evenings to discuss our child’s/children’s progress
  • Approach school with queries or concerns to find a suitable resolution
  • Attend school and relevant class functions and events
  • Give due importance to home activities, as defined by the school’s home learning policy and actively work with our child/children whenever possible
  • Encourage our child/children to take increasing responsibility as he/she/they progress through the school, and support the school rules
  • Work with the school and other agencies, where necessary, to support the child’s/children’s behaviour.

As a pupil I will try to behave guided by our school values:

In order to feel supported I need to be supported; in doing so I will support others and regularly reflect upon our core values. In doing so, I will make a positive difference.

Behaviour & Attitudes Expectations

  • All members of our school community to adhere to our school values.
  • Every child understands that they have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others. 
  • Children behave in a manner which does not jeopardise the health and safety of any member of the school community.
  • Staff, trustees, volunteers and parents set an excellent example to pupils at all time
  • In line with inclusivity, all members of the school community should be free from discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010.
  • The school’s Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy will be applied with consistency and fairness, with regard to each individual situation.
  • The emphasis will be on encouraging positive behaviour through high expectations; the modelling of good behaviour; a focus on learning; and praise and rewards.
  • In line with our restorative approach, consequences, when necessary, will enable the pupil to reflect on their choices, and learn from their behaviour and to make amends wherever possible.
  • Behavioural support will be offered according to the needs of the child.
  • The school will seek advice and support from appropriate outside agencies where concerns arise over a child’s behaviour.
  • That the focus on positive behaviour, forgiveness and reconciliation will significantly reduce the need for exclusion. However, when making decisions, there is a consideration to the balance in needs of the individual, with those of the wider school community and where a pupil’s behaviour places others at risk. The safety of all children is paramount.
  • That given, the overriding need is to keep the pupils and staff safe. The Headteacher or Senior Leader, will utilise their powers to search or use reasonable force in order to keep individuals from harming, or further harming, themselves or others.
  • Families are fully involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships and communication between the school and pupils’ home life.
  • This written statement and the policies that are influenced by it apply to all children when in school, when engaged in extra-curricular activities such as educational trips and visits (residential and non-residential), when travelling to and from school and when being educated as a member of Over Hall Community School.