Health & Medical

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The School Nurse is a regular visitor to Over Hall Community School and appointments can be arranged accordingly. The School Nurse administers the annual influenza spray and other immunisations, as well as giving information & advice. The School Nurse also routinely measures the height and weight of the children when they start at Over Hall and again before they move on to Secondary School. To find out when the School Nurse is next in School please contact the office or look out for a post on ClassDojo. 

Health Care and Consent Forms

Individual Health Care Plan

Administration of Prescribed Medicines - Consent Form

Administration of Paracetamol - Consent Form

Administration / Use of Inhaler - Consent Form

Medical Information

It is important that the school knows of any medical factors that affect your child, e.g. asthma, eczema, allergies, dietary requirements, wears glasses etc.


At Over Hall Community School, we have staff qualified in first aid, including pediatric first aid. We also have some staff that are qualified to administer medication. If a consent form has been completed by an adult, the medicine is in the original packaging and is clearly labelled with the child's name and date by the pharmacy, staff can administer as directed. Please note, medication should always be handed to school staff and not to the child to pass on. For those children that require medication, but a consent form has not been completed, arrangements will need to be made for an adult to come into school to administer the medicine themselves.

Children with asthma should have an inhaler in school at all times. The inhaler should be in the original packaging, clearly labelled with the child's name and date by the pharmacy and should be given to school staff who will keep the inhaler in an accessible and safe place. School will only administer inhalers upon the signing of a consent form.

Medical and Dental Appointments

Please let the school office know, in advance, if your child has an appointment during the school day. Please provide the school office with evidence of the appointment by providing a copy of the appointment letter or showing the appointment text on your mobile phone. Please also let us know at what time you will collect your child for the appointment and when we should expect their return.

Injuries at School

If your child sustains a minor injury whilst at school we will administer first aid. All injuries are logged accordingly.

Head Bumps

From time to time you may receive a dojo message from school to say that your child has had a head bump, your child will also come home wearing a wristband. Every child who has a head bump is seen by a qualfied first aider. If there are no adverse effects, a dojo message is sent to parents/carers to inform you of the head bump.

If your child's head bump is considered to be more serious and require prompt medical attention we will make every effort to contact you. If we are unable to do so, we will take whatever action is considered necessary as for any other injury or medical emergency.


If your child is ill, please notify the school as soon as possible by telephone, leaving a message on the first day of absence and on any subsequent days thereafter if your child is still unwell. In cases of infectious diseases, it is essential that we are informed.
If your child becomes ill during the school day, parents/carers will be contacted accordingly. Therefore, please let us know immediately if you, or your named emergency contacts, change their telephone number by contacting the school office.

School telephone number 01606 663650

School e-mail address

Returning to School after Illness

The chart below provides a useful guide regarding returning to school following an illness. 

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Click on the links below for websites that may be useful